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CSPP1 stabilizes microtubules by capping both plus and minus ends 
Organization of microtubule plus-end dynamics by phase separation in mitosis
The structure of TRAF7 coiled-coil trimer provides insight into its function in zebrafish embryonic development
Pathologically relevant aldoses and environmental aldehydes cause cilium disassembly via formyl group-mediated mechanisms
Impaired dNKAP function drives genome instability and tumorigenic growth in Drosophila epithelia
Glycogen synthase kinase 3 signaling in neural regeneration in vivo 
Sex- and age-specific associations between abdominal fat and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a prospective cohort study
A multiplexed time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer ultrahigh-throughput screening assay for targeting the SMAD4–SMAD3–DNA complex
The critical role of BTRC in hepatic steatosis as an ATGL E3 ligase
CBX7 reprograms metabolic flux to protect against meningioma progression by modulating the USP44/c-MYC/LDHA axis
Targeting dysregulated splicing factors in cancer: lessons learned from RBM10 deficiency
Targeting hepatic ceruloplasmin mitigates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis by modulating bile acid metabolism
ELP3 stabilizes c-Myc to promote tumorigenesis
CAMSAP2 and CAMSAP3 localize at microtubule intersections to regulate the spatial distribution of microtubules
Regulation of endogenous retroviruses in murine embryonic stem cells and early embryos

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